We provide a library for Ruby and for Rails. The Ruby gem makes it easy to download your thumbnails, while the Rails plugin adds a custom tag thumbalizr_url to generate the Thumbalizr URL right inside your templates.
The ruby code to generate a Thumbalizr URL is pretty simple, you can easily copy and paste it into your project:
require 'url'
require 'digest'
def thumbalizr(url='', options={})
embed_key = 'MY_EMBED_API_KEY' # replace it with you Embed API key
secret = 'MY_SECRET' # replace it with your Secret
query = 'url=' + CGI::escape(url.to_s)
options.each_pair do |key, value|
query += "&#{key}=" + CGI::escape(value.to_s)
token = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(query + secret)
return "https://api.thumbalizr.com/api/v1/embed/#{embed_key}/#{token}/?#{query}"
puts thumbalizr("https://browshot.com/", {:width => 300, :size => 'page' })
puts thumbalizr("google.com")
You can install the thumbalizr gem by adding gem "thumbalizr", ">= 0"
to your Gemfile. You'll find the source code in GitHub
Your API key and Secret can be found in the member section after you sign up for a free account.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'thumbalizr'
client = Thumbalizr.new('MY_EMBED_API_KEY', 'MY_SECRET') # replace it with you Embed API key and Secret
url = client.url('https://www.thumbalizr.com/?1')
puts "#{url}\n\n"
results = client.download_wait(url, "test.png");
puts "Image downloaded to #{results[:image]} - #{results[:result]}\n";
Add the thumbalizr-rails gem to your Rails project to use the thumbalizr_url custom tag in your templates. First, add the library to your Gemfile:
# Gemfile
gem 'thumbalizr-rails'
Then, initialize ThumbalizrClient in a new file config/initializers/thumbalizr.rb:
# Create config/initializers/thumbalizr.rb
ThumbalizrClient.config("MY_KEY", "MY_SECRET")
Now, you can call thumbalizr_url inside your templates to generate the Thumbalizr URL of your thumbnails. You can pass any of the API parameters listed in the API documentation page.
<img src="<%= thumbalizr_url('https://www.google.com/', {:country => 'us', :width => 400}) %> ">
You can find the source of the Rails extension on GitHub.